Version 0.2.0

So after far too long I finally finished adding a pile of things and learning to write sections of code better.  Also finally using legitimate version numbers.

I’ve likely missed issues… lol

new for v 0.2.0

– Many changes under the hood including some basic, but limited, exception handling
– Added everything but the economic indicators
– Crypto, Forex, and Fundamentals
– Removed Intraday options for non US market tickers


Still to do
– add in options for the various time interval choices and so fourth
– add economic indicators
– reduce overhead


– An internet connection
– Windows 10 (I have no way of testing on anything below or above that)
– a free Alpha Vantage api key from (I still haven’t added an option for those with a paid key, maybe make the program a paid version for that?)


To use :


Simply unzip and drop this folder wherever you would like the directory to be and then open the folder and run “avcaller 0.2.0”. After that it should be as easy as following the prompts. It will ask you for an alpha vantage api key as that’s the only source I’m currently pulling from. If you have others that are easily to implement feel free to suggest them, for now I won’t be doing web scraping to get the data although was considering adding it to the mix but that’s a whole other can of worms at the moment.

It takes a little but to initially load and I plan to reduce the overhead to significantly reduce the loading time.

report bugs here, something else I will look into when I see interest.

Thank you and enjoy 🙂

